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A story about me!

  •     My name is Heba Ahmed Malki. I am the co-owner of domilya Group. 
  • We are home renovation building and contracting company. We have been in business for more than 10 years.
  • I was looking for a way to keep in touch thank my clients but also keep in a sincere relationship with them.
  •      We were lacking way to improve our way to stay in touch with our past, present and future clients.
  • I knew Melissa who is a SendOutCard representative for a few years through networking group we are both belong too. I never knew or understood what she did, but I just knew she was happy...always happy. 
  • At the time I was thrown into the business (domilya GROUP) after being laid off from my executive job. I was trying to understand what I needed to do or have to do to stay afloat. Now fast forward a few years Melissa and I ended up being in
  • the same BNI and we both decided to go have lunch and do a meeting to learn more about each other.
  • While we were at lunch and she explained the system to me, It was not until she said it keeps me organized, saves me time and money did my ears perk up. She also explained about the campaigns the groupings in the system and how doing the work once in the for front and the system will do the rest for me that was also a high point that  intrigued me even more. I was very curious of how she (Melissa)  made money with this SendOutCards.  I was sold right away but the funny thing is if I can rewind just a minute in July 2014 we were preparing for my sisters wedding and I asked her for an account to set up to use for invitations for the wedding. It was amazing!!  
  • Anyways fast forward to December and we talked again and I said to Melissa I know it's too late to send out my Christmas cards but I will need this even if it takes me all year to get organized for next year marketing as well as for my Christmas card campaign i need to set up.
  • Again, I asked Melissa how do you make money with this as  I was very intrigued because even though my husband and I run this company and I am able to spend as I see fit, I still wanted something for me I needed a Plan B... My Husband also got really ill one day and it scared me. I thought what if he was not able to work again what would we do? We rely on him as the breadwinner and the income earner even though I help, if it is not for his hands and talents and skills there would be no way that we would have an income coming to the house. 
  • So I told Melissa I don't want to be involved with anything I can not  do this stuff, but signed me up as a distributor but I have a lot of friends that I know that I can refer that would  be very interested.
  •  So a few days later, Melissa and I sat down made a list of about 100 people we work solid to  meet 2 to 3 per day people to introduce them to SendOutCards through text and emailing appointments  and showing them how amazing the system is.  In less than 45 days and moved up two levels to senior manager and made a great dent in my start of SendOutCards business.
  • It's funny till today that list of 100 people of friends, suppliers and co-networkers are asking about the system still and still joining all the time I'm really proud of how SendOutCards has helped my business tremendously by staying in touch with my clients from past present and future as well as staying with people that I meet through networking groups and letting them know I appreciate them taking their time to sit down with me and introduce me to what they do and right from my app in my car I make a card and thank them and send them a small toke of appreciation.
  • I also wanted to mention that I have won one of my biggest account /contracts,it  is building a medical building. 
  • I also did a test market by touching base of my 2011 clients and just sent them a card saying I'm thinking of you and I hope you and your family are all well within a week to two weeks I have received 4 jobs guaranteed as well as landed three referrals that we are closing them. 
  • So every month I go back and touch a year of my clients because it takes about a month worth of work from the amounts of thank you's or the amounts of jobs that I will get from it are currently booked six months ahead of time because of how amazing this system works with my own marketing. 
  • I truly love SendOutCards and believe that if you want to be successful you need to stay in touch and send out cards is that exact tool that gives you a great way of having an amazing relationship marketing tool for your company.