- Online custom and stock greeting cards … sent directly to your recipients!
- Online gifts and gift cards
- Custom hard-cover photo books
- Photos mounted on canvas
- Custom calendars
- Custom posters
- Custom premium-quality business cards
This is a natural for keeping in touch throughout the long-term sales cycle that is the nature of real estate sales. Use it to say thanks for referrals, listings, sales, support, etc. Use it to send best wishes at those special times of the year – holiday, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, home-buying anniversaries. Take photos of your clients, then use them on the front of post cards that you offer to send their friends and family as change-of-address cards. This kind of card will seldom be thrown out because it features the picture of someone cared about by the recipient… and your name and number will be in their home for a very long time, because you were clever enough to to pose the homebuyers behind your real estate sign!
Website: new.sendoutcards.com/domilyagroup
Phone Contact: 647- 300- 0282
Main Contact Person: Heba Ahmed Malki
Email Address: heba@domilyagroup.ca